10 Reasons I am Anglican...
1) A sense of connection to the Ancient Church. I read about the ancients, quoted the ancients, I even practiced some of the things they practiced. I never really had the connection in faith and practice that I do now.
2) Christo-Centric Worship. This may offend some, however, I believe this because the Liturgy of the ancient church incorporates things other than singing worship songs or preaching. Corporate prayer, silence, confession, Communion are a few of the things we do each week. Christ is elevated more so than in a Anthro-Centric approach.
3) Anglicanism is poised to reach North America in ways other expressions aren't. Many people are looking for a connection that goes deeper than the latest sermon series. Anglicanism offers that. It is rooted. Anglicanism has a rich tradition of out reach and ministry. Anglicanism is relevant. Roots and relevance will be the way the Church moves forward into the future especially in North America.
4) I need constant reminders. You may be different, but I need to be reminded of Christ's love, promises, forgiveness, grace, mercy and joy. This is why 'repetition' in worship is helpful to me. Each week I will say some of the same things in worship, far from leaving the Spirit out of it, it is a way that the Spirit of Christ has moved and influenced his people for generations.
5) The Holy Table. I love having communion each week and that it is the pinnacle of our worship experience. One time a month doesn't reinforce God's work to redeem the cosmos the same way weekly Eucharist does. I have experienced communion as an 'add on' once a month and although I led services in that environment it didn't speak to me the way the Holy Eucharist does now.
6) I am Catholic but not Roman. The Anglican church has embraced both Protestant and Catholic worship and life. I believe it is truly the Church reformed. I do not look upon my Roman brothers and sisters as outsiders but as practicing a different way of being Christian.
7) Beauty, wonder and doubt are part of who we are. Anglicans tend to embrace expressions of faith that are artistic, different, cause questions and create discomfort in some. There will be nothing that occurs today, that hasn't come to Anglicanism in the past 2000 years that will shake it's foundations or cause it to be scared of new expressions of life with Jesus.
8) Orthodoxy. The church was established well before the Roman church came into existence. Because of this, it has long held to Biblical faith and practice that are rooted in the Scriptures, tradition and reason.
9) My church practices three streams ministry. We are all about the Word, the Sacraments and the Spirit. The Word is spoken, read, prayed and affirmed, The Sacraments administered and the Spirit is given free reign (people regularly practice biblical speaking in tongues).
10) I am connected to something global. There are 77 million adherents to Anglicanism world-wide. This is second to Roman Catholicism in numbers. It is as far flung as the British Empire was and beyond. Because of this, I can know my brothers and sisters in Rwanda.
I created this blog in part to help people see my journey into Anglicansim. Becoming Anglican is only part of the equation. There is much more to being a Christian than what I had previously experienced and now have entered into the beginning of something.
Editorial note*
Many of you will read this and think "These things are not just Anglican, they are Christian. They are true of me and my worship experiences as well. Anglicanism is no better than what I do!" To which I would say 'you may be right.' They are simply the reasons I have found and have been meaningful to me in ways I haven't previously experienced. Maybe I didn't dig deep enough, or maybe I didn't search wide enough but this is where I found those things.
I know I am opening myself to criticism. These are obvious to me and I make no attempt to defend myself but welcome honest, open dialogue around them.